Delaware in Trouble, Assault Weapons Ban on the Horizon

Delaware in Trouble, Assault Weapons Ban on the Horizon

The Delaware state flag pictures a citizen with a rifle above a slogan that reads, “Liberty and Independence.” (Photo: NRA)

Delaware gun owners may be in serious trouble.  State lawmakers are currently drumming up support for legislation that would ban many popular firearms.

GunsAmerica was able to obtain an early draft of the bill (see below), which was inspired by Maryland’s Firearm Safety Act (FSA).

Passed in the wake of the mass killing at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2013, the FSA expanded bans on black rifles, mags holding more than 10 rounds, among other provisions.

Maryland lawmakers used the Newtown, Connecticut tragedy to ram through the draconian FSA.  Now, Delaware Dems are attempting to do the same on the heels of the massacre in Parkland, Florida.

“This proposed bill is nothing more than a cynical attempt by anti-gun zealots to capitalize on a truly horrible tragedy in Florida to advance their totalitarian anti-gun agenda,” said Capt. John C. Sigler (DPD-Retired) in an email to GunsAmerica.

SEE ALSO: SAF Asks Supreme Court to Review Maryland ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

“They know that this ban will have absolutely no effect on either crime or violence, and that only law-abiding citizens will be affected – but they don’t care,” Sigler, a representative for the Delaware State Sportsmen’s Association (DSS), continued. “They are simply following the Bloomberg-Obama-Schumer-Feinstein-Pelosi Playbook, and faithfully following Rohm Emanuel’s despicably cynical directive to ‘never let a crisis (or a tragedy) go to waste’ – shame on them!”

“I call on every gun owner in Delaware to contact their State Senator and Representative and tell them to vigorously oppose this bill and every bill like it coming from these anti-gun zealots. No deals – no compromises,” Sigler concluded.

For more information on how you can get involved to kill this bill, visit the Delaware State Sportsmen’s Association (DSS).

  • Bobs your uncle March 24, 2018, 2:40 pm

    State motto is, liberty and Independence, home to most of the fortune 500 companies, sorry citizens, big biz knows whats best for you.

  • Batman March 24, 2018, 1:57 pm

    Hey here’s an idea that’s being voiced but continues to be ignored. Create school security to mimic court houses and airport checkpoints-metal detectors, one ingress/egress point at all schools. Armed security
    I. E. Employ more law enforcement officers. PROBLEM SOLVED.
    If this was implemented after columbine there would have never been another mass shooting at our childrens schools.

  • James March 23, 2018, 8:22 pm

    We better get mean I mean mad dog mean when is the line crossed and we start the ball rolling!

  • Jerry March 23, 2018, 2:28 pm

    why don’t they just come out and say we are taking away your second amendment rights sounds like what they want to do !

    • Keith March 25, 2018, 1:14 am

      Those lawmakers and others destroying the Second Amendment lie to get their liberty destruction agenda through. They say lies like: “We have to do something,” or “No one is trying to take your guns away.” They do this so the opposition will not try to stop them.

  • Bob March 23, 2018, 2:16 pm

    If this happens to any state,I would like to see the people that are trying to pass this ban be attacked by criminal’s that don’t care about any laws.then they would be crying that they guns to protect them and their families.

  • Don March 23, 2018, 1:31 pm

    Oregon is now trying to ban any pistol or rifle that has a removable magazine and can hold more than 8 rounds.

  • semperfi55 March 23, 2018, 12:50 pm

    Why are these people allowed to remain in office? Vote them out, or vote out those that appointed them! The system can work for us as well as against us, the people just have to do their part. The voters got the president they wanted in spite of all the media hype and the claims from the other side. It will work all the way down the line. If you don’t like the way you are being represnted, elect new representives. Every single vote counts! If you don’t like the way things are run don’t just sit on your hands and complain, get out there and vote. If enough of you who think “Well, what would my one vote matter” actully voted it would matter. It’s time we showed these officals they work for us, not themselves!

    • FirstStateMark March 23, 2018, 4:43 pm

      You can’t vote them out. If your running in Delaware and you have a “D” next to your name then you are a shoe-in. Delaware’s Electoral Collage votes went to Hillery Clinton. The democrats have ruled Delaware for years. That’s why we had a major prison riot, Wilmington is considered “Murder Town USA” (google it) and we give drivers licenses to illegal aliens. The school system here in Delaware is trying to let students change their gender, name & race without notifying their parents. This state is dripping over with progressive , liberal , anti-gun, anti-white male, pro transgender, pro gay marriage and if you disagree with any of this you are a raciest and bigot. The major news paper in the state, “The News Journal” is so anti-gun, anti-Trump and anti-conservative your pet bird would throw it out of the cage and wouldn’t even crap on it. We live in the state with Joe Biden for god sake. I could go on for days.

      • Heather March 26, 2018, 6:47 pm

        That’s why I have changed my voting standing to unaffiliated. It is getting impossible to support any of these so called parties. I support gun ownership and I have kids in school. All the effort is being directed to gun laws, it begs the question if security, counselors, and peers are being excused of any responsibility in these tragic events which seems more manageable if given the attention. How is creating a massive gun striping law that most certainly won’t control this problem. Hilariously enough people that still own these guns won’t have to register them or turn them in. COME ON!!!!

  • Bob March 23, 2018, 11:11 am

    And the so-called Patriots in the State will not Stand Up and Fight, just like the LITTLE BIATCHES in NY State!

  • Clint Wilde March 23, 2018, 10:18 am

    Since Columbine, there have been many school tragedies. The bigger tragedy is for the parents of school children to sit on their hands and not hound their school boards for proper protection of the school and its occupants. These same folks blame everything from the Second Amendment, to everyday law abiding gun owners as the thing that needs to be fixed. They are blind to the fact that it seems some people have changed, be it do to modern morals, violent video games, or Madeline Murry O’Hare kicking God out of schools in ’63. Violence is everywhere, and the one place that should have protection, people yell no, because it will traumatize their kids. I think a live traumatized kid by the presence of a law officer(s) assigned to their school is a lot better than an untruamatized dead one. Why is it that when I was a kid way back when, the NRA sold surplus M1Carbines to its members for $20, and the USPS delivered it to your door, no questions, no forms, no background checks? You could go to just about any hardware store plus some grocery stores in my rural area, and buy a case or even a single stick of dynamite, blasting caps and fuse, again no questions but the normal, “Don’t hurt yourself” from the clerk. With this freedom, why weren’t people blowing up other people and shooting up school children then?

  • Mig March 23, 2018, 8:58 am

    This bill was very obviously written by people who do not know f**k about guns. How many private citizens own a Barrett Light .50 in the state of Delaware? Is there much .50 caliber crime there? That was the first thing that jumped out at me.

    Reading on, they list AK-47 twice because it’s twice as evil, I guess. They list the “stetchkin automatic pistol.” Which is a Soviet machine pistol made back in the Cold War era. How many of those are in private ownership in this country let alone in a Delaware? Also, the fact that it has “automatic pistol” in its name should let you know it’s a full auto firearm which falls under the NFA already. Has anyone here ever seen a semiauto shotgun with a folding stock? I have not, most would say it’s impossible because they need an area in the stock for the recoil spring or similar mechanism to be. People of Delaware, it’s your own fault if you say nothing and let this pass. This bill reads like it was written by an 8th grader.

    • Joe March 23, 2018, 3:30 pm

      The VEPR 12 is a semi-auto shotgun that came with a folding stock. The FSA 2013 passed in Maryland is awful. Ask me how I know….

      • Mig March 23, 2018, 4:27 pm

        Ok, fair point. According to this bill VEPRs and Saigas are banned but Benellis are ok. Just pointing out that it’s nonsense. My condolences on the situation in your state.

  • joefoam March 23, 2018, 8:44 am

    Hold on to your shorts. The morons that got elected are going to take our guns. Better get them packaged up.

  • Altoids March 23, 2018, 8:18 am

    Was born and raised in Delaware. Left for a much more free state in 1976 and never looked back.

    It’s one of those places like New Jersey where almost everything you ever wanted to do is already illegal. You can’t go anywhere off of your property without trespassing on someone else’s or the State’s.

    Unless your name is duPont, you’re pond scum. Expansive estates are owned by that mostly inbred family and walled off to the lowly scum-sucking pigs, otherwise known as the public at large.

    This latest news is not surprising. They came within a hair’s breath of completely banning handguns in the 1970s when that was all the rage.

  • AG March 23, 2018, 7:57 am

    In 2014 private sales of firearms were essentially banned in Delaware, except between carry permit holders. Although the State has been under the near complete control of the Communist Party for three decades, “gun-control” has not been able to gain the foothold that has overtaken some of our boarding States. I am not as hopeful that this will be defeated as previous attempts to turning Delaware into another “People’s Republic”. The Communist Party is very angry about 2016 election results and is in the mood to punish any and all individualism, by any means possible. Gun owners in their view are nothing more than low hanging fruit. Still we must resist. Duty to liberty requires that we not give in to tyranny.

  • Ross C Harris March 23, 2018, 7:46 am

    This Government trying to weakening its people. Follow history its a dangerous situation.

  • Jason March 23, 2018, 3:45 am

    I can’t believe they would try to pass this crap! Banning a “black rifle?” In that state just bring in a coyote tan rifle and your good. Just the government trying to chip a little more of our rights away!

    • semperfi55 March 23, 2018, 1:00 pm

      Banning a rifle because it’s black isn’t that rasist? Where is the NAACP and all the rest of the anti-rasist bunch? Where are the marches and the protestests.As stupid as this sounds it makes about as much sense as this proposed bill!

      • Rob March 23, 2018, 8:32 pm

        Blackguns matter!

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