Crime drop is due to armed citizens, says Detroit Police Chief

Concealed carry coverage versus various crime rates (Photo:

National concealed carry coverage versus various crime rates (Photo:

Crime is down in the Motor City.

So far this year, there are 37 percent fewer robberies, 22 percent fewer break-ins and 30 percent fewer carjackings when compared to the same time period last year, according to The Detroit News.

While Detroit’s law enforcement officers probably deserve much of the credit for the reduction in crime, Police Chief James Craig believes there is another force at work: law-abiding gun owners who have exercised their fundamental right of self-defense, putting lawbreakers on notice that there will be repercussions for their actions.

“Criminals are getting the message that good Detroiters are armed and will use that weapon,” said Craig, an outspoken advocate of lawful gun ownership.

“I don’t want to take away from the good work our investigators are doing, but I think part of the drop in crime, and robberies in particular, is because criminals are thinking twice that citizens could be armed,” he continued.

Craig, unlike many CLEOs in major cities, believes that gun owners have the capacity to deter crime, though he admits that he does not know how significant the impact is.

“I can’t say what specific percentage is caused by this, but there’s no question in my mind it has had an effect,” Craig said.

Craig’s position conflicts, not surprisingly, with the orthodoxy of the gun-control community which believes that more good guys with guns increases gun-related crime.

“Our position is, more guns equals more crime,” said Josh Horwitz, director of the D.C.-based Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. “These are complicated issues, but the empirical evidence shows the states with the lowest gun ownership and the tightest restrictions have the fewest instances of gun violence.”

It goes without saying, but empirical data published by the FBI illustrates that overall violent crime, property crime and gun-related homicides have declined over the past decade, yet, over that same period of time, there’s been a surge in gun sales and an expansion of ‘shall-issue’ concealed carry laws across the country.

While definitively saying there is a causal relationship between the two trends is difficult given the number of factors that influence crime (drugs, gangs, socioeconomic status, geography), one can safely argue that the notion of more guns leading to a material increase in crime is flat out ridiculous.

  • Les B April 28, 2017, 5:48 am

    Yeah, unless you’re a millionaire you may never get to pass your guns down to your kids ! Need to be Rich to pay for the attorneys !

  • Retrocon May 13, 2016, 9:42 am

    Lott showed the correlation definitively a long time ago. It is a statistical reality when all factors are taken into account, so pro second amendment advocates need to stop with the uncertainties.

    More Guns = Less Crime

  • Steve Warren November 6, 2015, 12:57 pm

    “Our position is, more guns equals more crime,” said Josh Horwitz, director of the D.C.-based Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. “These are complicated issues, but the empirical evidence shows the states with the lowest gun ownership and the tightest restrictions have the fewest instances of gun violence.”
    OK?…. Where?… DC? And don’t say Tokyo.

    • Margaret Skinner August 7, 2016, 9:20 am

      When I read that I immediately thought of Chicago. Every one knows that their gun ban laws has dramatically cut crimes using guns…it’s in the news every day. Right? In fact the states with the least restrictions on legal gun ownership are the ones experiencing the lowest gun violence! It really has little to do with guns and a lot to do with the people.

  • Rick June 22, 2015, 8:08 am

    The truth speaks for itself.

    • gunbob July 29, 2016, 12:02 pm

      The truth speaks for itself? Only if the truth is known does the truth speak for itself.

      Clinton, the DNC and every gun control group out there has learned that to accomplish their goals they must never let the truth be known but speak in riddles and muddy the truth as much as possible, then when people speak the truth they scream it is the gun lobby [NRA] and go on the attack, with the media’s help the truth almost never gets spoken.
      So, as I said:
      Only if the truth is known does the truth speak for itself.
      We must see to it the truth is known by speaking it ourselves on every level. Be silent and the left will win.

      In my small town gun ownership is popular, but I live in WA state. I’m sure the left wing leadership in Seattle are formulating gun confiscation laws right now, in fact there is a unconstitutional gun confiscation initiative that will run next election cycle that allows virtually any one to make a call to the law and tell a lie and a judge, in secret, unknown to you, rules to confiscate your guns. The police show up and “just take your guns” right out of the blue with no recourse for you.

      Ever get into an argument with any one? Ever get into a little disagreement with your neighbor, ever get into it with any one? They know you are a gun owner and you will no longer be a gun owner for long as all they got to do is call the cops, spin a tall tail about how you two have been arguing and the last time you made a threat to “blow their head off”.

      That’s it, no proof is required and your gun ownership days are OVER.

      I’m sure you think – there must be some form of proof required – there is no proof required, there is no requirement to investigate and no chance for you to refute the charge and get your guns back. This last for one year and is renewable for ever, they never have to give your guns back.

      Got people who don’t like you? Doesn’t every one have enemies? Your enemies will now have a powerful tool to extort you or just to use to “screw you” any time they please.

      You will be disarmed and it’s over and done with from then on, you as a gun owner have no recourse.

      I’m sure there will be some kind of recourse if you can afford the attorney but most of us can’t so that’s it.
      Since most gun sales now go through the state and are recorded, they know who has guns and who does not. Not supposed to keep a gun owners list? Ya, right and you trust the government not to keep a list? I have guns that are off the books, the GOV does not know about them. I am going to arrange an off-site storage location to keep a few of them and I’m also going to start wearing a body cam and recording every phone call, not that that will help but at least I can publicly show if some one is lying about me in a future conflict.

      The world is changing concerning gun ownership. If the democrats have their way in 10 or 20 years no one will own anything more powerful then a BB gun, and, probably not even that.

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