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Feedback for Dana Swan

GunsAmerica Member Since: 5/9/2008
Total Transactions: 20
Total Positive: 3
Total Negative: 2
Positive Feedback: 60%

User Summary

Timeframe Rating Total
All Time Negative 2
All Time Neutral 4
All Time Positive 3
Rating Listing ID Date Comment
Neutral 921884329 03/10/2009
Neutral 921884329 02/23/2009 I tried to contact seller but did not receive a response.
Neutral 921884329 02/23/2009 I tried to contact seller and did not receive a response.
Negative 921884329 02/21/2009 never received
Positive 921884329 02/21/2009 Everything went well. No problems. Excellent.
Negative 921884329 02/21/2009 I bwas the first buyer but seller refused to communicate with me.
Positive 993238403 02/20/2009 I apologize for thy feedback delay. Excellent service, prompt shipping, reliable conversation, a pleasure to do business with. Thank's
Positive 995118250 01/24/2009 Gun was exactly as represented. Nice person to deal with, would buy from him again.
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