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Feedback for Family Firearms

GunsAmerica Member Since: 5/28/2009
Total Transactions: 31
Total Positive: 7
Total Negative: 0
Positive Feedback: 100%

User Summary

Timeframe Rating Total
All Time Neutral 2
All Time Positive 7
Rating Listing ID Date Comment
Positive 987667239 01/23/2013 Easy to deal with great customer service.
Positive 990100044 01/17/2013
Neutral 917522914 01/08/2013 So Slow on delivery that I canceled the purchase.
Neutral 920233064 09/17/2010 I was pleased with the price and the prompt response to my inquiry, but I have yet to receive tracking information.
Positive 933372435 11/17/2009 This was my first transaction on GunsAmerica and I could not have asked for a better seller. Family Firearms had great communication, was very friendly, and highly professional. Thank you!
Positive 909660428 09/27/2009 Easy transaction, great people to work with.
Positive 973592440 09/15/2009 Very Helpful and Quick Responses. Definitely recommend doing any and all business with Family Firearms.
Positive 970073757 08/24/2009 Very smooth purchase. Extremely friendly and helpful organization.
Positive 906618476 07/28/2009 quick email response. did everything they said they would on time. Good people to work with.
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