Mojo Outdoors Motorized Turkey Decoy – Shake’n Jake – SHOT Show 2013

in Authors, Paul Helinski, SHOT Show 2013
Mojo Outdoors Motorized Turkey Decoy - Shake'n Jake - SHOT Show 2013
Mojo Outdoors Motorized Turkey Decoy - Shake'n Jake - SHOT Show 2013
The Shake’n Jake from Mojo Outdoors comes with a remote control and is available online for $149.

This is a short video from the show floor to show you how it moves. The remote control is on/off.

Mojo Outdoors Motorized Turkey Decoy - Shake'n Jake - SHOT Show 2013
We were told at the show that Jake would be under $100, but so far he is only avaiable from Cabelas for $149.

Mojo Outdoors Motorized Turkey Decoy - Shake'n Jake - SHOT Show 2013
Also new for 2013 is the Tail Chaser, which attaches to your shotgun barrel. It is said to be very effective, and at $24.99 not very expensive.

Mojo Outdoors

New for 2013 from Mojo Outdoors is the Shake’n Jake. We got to play with his highness at SHOT Show and it is going to be a turkey killer this spring. Legal in all but 6 states, you have to check with your local regulations before you buy it. Even if your state does not prohibit turkey decoys, they may prohibit motorized ones, and/or remote control ones. The Shake’n Jake is remote controlled, on or off. We were told at the booth that his majesty would be under $100, available in a couple weeks, but so far he has only popped up at Cabelas for $149.

Also check out the fan tail that you stick on your shotgun. It is called the Tail Chaser, $24.99 at Cabelas, and the word at the Mojo booth is that it works great. In cover, the turkeys see the tail and come walking right in. These will probably be at your local big box stores soon, but remember that they only get so many in so you may want to grab one online now before the turkey fever starts to really set in during late February.

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  • rd February 1, 2013, 9:53 pm

    I personally know of a hunter that was shot in the face and other
    nearby areas by HIS GRANDSON while turkey hunting. I don’t think
    that tail feathers were “invented” back then. Tail feathers very
    likely could coax a mistake out of a novice or someone that wasn’t
    supposed to be there.

  • larry February 1, 2013, 11:18 am

    i would also like to say that i am an acomplished turkey hunter of 31 years so i might know a little about turkey hunting, i have seen more times than i care to remember novice hunters sneaking threw the woods an along the edges of fields hoping to sneak up on bird, for one reason or sitting with tail feathers on your barrel is definetly a deadly thing to do.

  • rev. dave January 29, 2013, 6:17 pm

    Administrator – I thought those comments about the fake tail getting someone shot at were ‘on target’, if you’ll pardon the pun. So I really do not understand your ‘hall monitor’ reply. How would you even know if these guys had any experience hunting turkeys? If there were other comments that you deleted, then you shouldn’t have posted as a reply to anyone’s post, but as a post of your own.

    Supposedly, your job is not to shill for vendors, but to provide product news. So blocking comments because they criticize a product should not be part of your job either. Let them speak – or would you prefer to risk a lawsuit from some turkey hunter who bought that tail thing based on your post and then got shot by another hunter?

    • Administrator January 29, 2013, 7:03 pm

      Nobody is shilling for anyone. Turkey hunters are extremely engaged and experienced, and they aren’t going to shoot anyone as a result of using what appears to be a useful tool. Let people speak if they speak with their brain instead of their self important self righteous ego, like, um, you.

  • Buck Buster January 28, 2013, 11:37 am

    Agree on the shotgun tail getting someone shot. Unless you are absolutely sure there is no one else hunting your area, you’d be an idiot to use it.

    • Administrator January 28, 2013, 12:01 pm

      We are going to have to stop the hall monitor comments. This is just plain old stupid. Please stop the self righteous and moronish comments about things that you have no experience for interest in.

  • John January 28, 2013, 9:03 am

    Not a turkey hunter here, but have to say the Tail Chaser looks like a good way to get shot by a careless fellow hunter. Maybe tie it to a bush nearby and shake it now and then with a LONG string??

  • Rob January 28, 2013, 8:21 am

    That’ll suck all the fun out of turkey hunting. Turkeys aren’t smart. You can catch them with a sack of corn and a properly placed stick or baited hook. The sport is using woodsmanship and expertise in calling to put them close to the muzzle of a shotgun. And that tail to mount on the shotgun is going to get someone shot.