JFK’s 1959 Personal M1 Garand to be Auctioned for Upwards of $100,000

in Authors, Historical Guns, Industry News, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week
A side view of the historic rifle.  (Photo: RIA)

A side view of the historic rifle. (Photo: RIA)

Former President John F. Kennedy’s personal M1 Garand will soon — Sept. 11, 12 & 13 — be auctioned to the public courtesy of Rock Island Auction Company.

Kennedy first acquired the weapon in 1959 for $169.00, but “the most historically significant Springfield M1 Garand rifle that has ever been on sale” is expected to fetch at least $100,000.

According to Rock Island Auction Company (RIAC), the M1 Garand was in the former president’s possession before he took the presidency, meaning it likely accompanied him into the Oval Office.

“Since this rifle was issued to Senator Kennedy in 1959, well before he was elected to the Office of the President of the United States, this rifle could very well have accompanied him directly into the White House,” said RIAC.

Kennedy’s M1 Garand was made late in the M1 Garand’s production lifetime and came from the Erie Ordnance Depot in Port Clinton. Master Sergeant Raymond E. Parkinson prepared the rifle for Kennedy by adjusting the trigger, adding a glass-bedding compound to the recoil shoulders of the stock, and bluing much of the metal.

The then-senator later thanked Parkinson for his efforts, adding that he planned to actually use the match-grade rifle.

Another side view.  (Photo: RIA)

Another side view. (Photo: RIA)

“Colonel John K. Lee, Jr. has told me of the time and care which you took to accuratize and test fire the National Match M1 rifle, which I recently purchased,” wrote Kennedy. “I do want to express my appreciation for your interest and attention in this matter and I am looking forward with pleasure to having an opportunity to use the rifle.”

RIAC said the M1 Garand is in excellent condition and has retained virtually all of the original finish.

For more info, check out the RIA website.

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  • Ray March 23, 2018, 6:13 pm

    Anyone with half a brain knows Obama WANTED TO WEAKEN AND DESTROY THE US.

  • Dave August 10, 2015, 4:48 pm

    Obama has banned the importation of historic rifles, including the M1 Garand from overseas by executive order. Search it online, this is one article on it:

  • Tommy August 10, 2015, 8:23 am

    Such an amazing story about a great rifle and a great American. Now there is a fool in the Whitehouse who would destroy the rifle. He cares nothing about the famous rifle and what it means to the American people.

    • Seth August 10, 2015, 8:48 am

      I hadn’t heard that Obama was going to destroy the rifle cause he didn’t care about it. Where did you get that information?

      • Abby August 10, 2015, 9:54 am

        Tommy didn’t state the fool in the White House “IS” going to destroy the rifle – he stated ” Now there is a fool in the Whitehouse who ‘would’ destroy the rifle.” There is a huge difference unless you are a libturd then there is likely no difference. Reading is fundamental – look it up. Oh, and I completely agree with Tommy. Tha fool in the WHite House “WOULD” definately destroy this artifact just like ISIS is destroying many historical artifacts in the middle east. 0bama would destroy this with the same reasoning.

    • Seth August 10, 2015, 8:48 am

      I hadn’t heard that Obama was going to destroy the rifle cause he didn’t care about it. Where did you get that information?

      • Tommy August 10, 2015, 4:47 pm

        Where have you been for the last seven years? He has never hidden the fact he hates guns and hates the U.S. Military