Inland Manufacturing M1 Carbines– Rebirth of an Old Name

in Sam Trisler
Like I said, the appeal of the historical is the entire drive behind the new Inland brand.

Like I said, the appeal of the historical is the entire drive behind the new Inland brand.

History buffs and reenactors take note–Inland Manufacturing has announced the launch of their new incarnation of the old M1 Carbine line. That is right, I said Inland. But this is not the former division of General Motors that is known for its war time production of American arms. This is a new company with new production firearms.

Inland will be making two models: a straight stocked and a paratrooper with a folding stock. The two carbines are outfitted like the late war models with adjustable sights, push button safety and the mag catch that supports the 30 round magazines. The Paratrooper has the correct barrel band without the bayonet lug. The standard model has the later style with the lug. We recently had the chance to see both models side-by-side with original Inlands, and we had to get in close to tell the difference.

Over all the two examples we were able to handle looked great and held up when next to the originals. The stampings are even close to correct with a few minor differences that were chosen to stop the new Inlands from being mistaken for originals. Take a look at the photos and see for yourself. Inland was kind enough to supply us with some of their images as well. They also promised us a review gun, so stay tuned for that. The MSRP will be around $1000. More info will be available soon from MKS Supply.


In the right light, the new production stocks are easier to identify.

In the right light, the new production stocks are easier to identify.


At heart, it is a true historical piece. But you can shoot it all you want.

At heart, it is a true historical piece. But you can shoot it all you want.



The wood has a slightly aged patina.

The wood has a slightly aged patina.


Twins? Not exactly, but you have to look close.

Twins? Not exactly, but you have to look close.



Side by side with an original. Apologies for the poor lighting.

Side by side with an original. Apologies for the poor lighting.


Fit and finish are what you'd expect for this price range.

Fit and finish are what you’d expect for this price range.



We'll have a review gun in soon, and put it through its paces.

We’ll have a review gun in soon, and put it through its paces.

[/one_half][one_half_last]Inland 077[/one_half_last]

[one_half]Inland 080[/one_half][one_half_last]Inland 081[/one_half_last]


They don't look exactly like new production would have in 1945.

They don’t look exactly like new production would have in 1945; they look more like closet classics.


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  • Robert Brady April 21, 2019, 6:20 am

    My Dad bought my first m1 carbine when I was 14 yrs old. That was 47years ago ! I can not wait to get my hands while of the ones you have build ! Please let me down when and where I can get one ?

  • Patrick Nelson June 28, 2016, 2:34 pm

    Beware!! It took me several months to find a new Inland M-1 with the bayonet lug. When I final found one and bought it, the first thing I noticed was that my mil-spec Camillius M-4 bayonet would not lock on. It fit my old carbines just fine. Next was a trip to the range where I tried 3 different types of factory ammo and 4 different magazines (one was a WWll Inland) and could not fire more than 3 or 4 rounds without jamming. Sent my rifle back to Inland for warranty repair. Finally called them after a couple weeks and talked to a guy who said he was their head gunsmith. He said he fired my rifle 150 rounds without a single jam. He then said he couldn’t fix the bayonet lug location unless I sent him a bayonet. I should have known I was in trouble when he couldn’t explain to me what mil-spec meant. He said he sent me a video of my gun firing, but I was never able to get it to open on my computer or my smartphone. I told him to send my non-working rifle back to me and I would fix it myself. Lousy customer service, non mil-spec rifle, and was told to use lousy Mexican Aguilla ammo to make it work. Beware.

    • Don Dimmick October 21, 2016, 2:01 pm

      I am having very similar results with my Inland Mfg .30 carbine. I bought one in June 2016. I don’t have a bayonet setup so that part is OK.
      I was unable to fire more than 2-3 rounds before it would jam or fail to fire. I returned it for warrantee repair and after a few calls back and forth they assured me it was fixed. They also told me to use Aquila ammo. When it came back it seemed to be improved and I let the matter drop. I did not have the opportunity to fire the gun again for several months . When I did fire it again it was jamming, failing to fire and failing to extract worse than ever. I tried it with 4 different brans of 110 gr fmj ammo and none worked. I just today sent it back for another warrantee repair. I told them if they could not fix it to RELIABLY function that I will require them to refund my purchase price.
      Except for your post I have not seen any other reports on these new carbines.
      Who else has anything to say about them good or bad!
      I am not new to .30 carbines. As a young (17) Marine in 1955 I first fired one. I mostly carried a Garand but also had carbines available. I liked them and never had function a problem with one As a civilian I have owned about 5or 6 carbines over the years and never had trouble.
      Inland Mfg needs to do a LOT better to please me

  • John Webb April 5, 2016, 9:34 pm

    I just bought my Inland M1 carbine today and went right to the 300 yd. steel with the sights from the factory and it was very very accurate. My question is, how do you fit the sling and oiler cylinder thru the stock when it is obviously way too tight. It looks like I might have to dremel the stock down to make it fit. Is this fairly common to have to fit those two items into the stock recess? Thanks!

  • Eric Deaton December 27, 2015, 12:56 am

    The new Inland Manufacturing Comlany is about 5 miles from the original Inland plant that was part of GM. That plant was part of Delco Chassis and later Delphi. I’m not sure if all of the original Inland M1 carbine parts were made at the plant since Delco had 12 or 13 locations in the Dayton area. They were assembled there though at the Home Avenue Plant. The plant is now gone. I worked at the site a few days back on the 90s as a field service engineer for GE on some switchgear down in a basement. I was shown the test range for the original M1 carbines. They were actually test fired like the proof houses in Europe do. The range was nothing more than an underground tunnel. It’s gone now as is the entire plant other than some original buildings where the Wright Brothers once built airplanes.

  • Eric Deaton December 27, 2015, 12:38 am

    Chiappa moved to a new facility. Inland took over the old building they were in. It is actually an old E-check faculty that the BMv ran. I drive by it everyday to and from work. They are different companies. It’s good to see firearms being built and assembled in Dayton, Ohio. Even if the city of Dayton isn’t appreciative.

  • Dean September 1, 2015, 11:18 pm

    Really? “…fit and finish is about what you would expect from this price range”? Sloppy fit and a repro finish for a grand? Pass.

  • Robin m August 29, 2015, 10:43 am

    I just wish the ammo wasn\’t so dammed expensive

  • Robin m August 29, 2015, 10:42 am

    I just wish the ammo wasn’t so dammed expensive

  • Robin m August 29, 2015, 10:42 am

    I just wish the ammo wasn’t so dammed expensive

  • Jordy August 27, 2015, 7:23 pm

    Hey Mike, where did you buy your reproduction Inland Mfg. carbine? Would you do it again after having magazine issues with it?

    • mike January 31, 2016, 3:32 am

      yes, I would buy this inland M1 again. After fixing the magazines and purchasing some quality magazines, and throwing the original away cause it fell apart. It still had problems feeding, so sent it back to Inland, not the distributor cause I felt they would find the problem faster, and they did. This new Inland company are really great people. Fixed it fast (no charge), know what they are doing. I fired it today 1/30/16 and it was perfect. I really had fun with it, and it is super accurate. The speed and courtesy showed by Inland is really the best I’ve seen by any company in many a year. I highly recommend Inland. This now fires better than my service rifle I had in 1955 to 1961. Thank you Inland for coming to my rescue.

  • mike August 2, 2015, 10:24 pm

    I have a new Inland M1 carbine and it fires perfect except for one problem. Why they put a cheap, lousey feed $5.00 painted magazine on a thousand dollar rifle is a wonder to me. I have had nothing but trouble since I had the rifle, and have had to Dremel the magazine to make it feed. Tomorrow I will go to the range to see if it’s works better. I have other
    cheap magazines that do not seem to work much better. Funny thing is that my Plainfield takes any magazine without a problem. I just keep filling and sanding, each time gets a little better. Does not say much for a thousand dollar rifle. I wonder what kind of metal they use for this magazine, cause it will not take bluing.

    • Michael R June 15, 2016, 9:52 pm

      Hey Mike, I have a new Inland M1 too. How can I make it feed better. It jams all the time. What can I do to the mags to make them feed better so the cartridge won’t get jammed on the feed ramp? Thanks in advance for your answer.

  • walter post May 16, 2015, 9:01 pm

    I carried a M1 Carbine during my five years of service with the Army National Guard, and would love to have one of these weapons for my own, Is it possible to get one.

  • Gerald Davis November 3, 2014, 7:14 pm

    I have a m1 cant seem to find anything that looks like it. Its not vintage not marked us. name says Hialeah fla. m# is 2343o or 23430 the zero looks like an o. Under the rear sight I see a U that’s all I can see. It looks like a universal but has a round bolt. Also it has a bayonet lug. The bolt slide does not show through the wood and the bolt lever does not have a cutout. Locking tang is a pin on the slide handle.

    • Bill December 4, 2014, 11:46 pm

      Hialeah, Fl is by Universal. The early guns were made from US spare parts. It will usually have US stamped on the right side rear of the receiver. Bolts could be flat or round. Check out The dash in the address should be a line. I’m old and still learning this iPhone stuff. Some Univerals are very good probably a few dangerous like any poorly maintained gun.

  • James October 28, 2014, 8:58 pm

    They have more information on their site,

  • Gunner's Brother October 24, 2014, 1:58 pm

    I have a U.S. Carbine Caliber .30 M1 Postal Meter with sporterized stock. Sure looks sharp. Appreciate any comments.

  • Edeard October 23, 2014, 4:58 pm

    That’s pretty cool for those of us unable to get one from CMP before they got scarfed up. I’ll buy one. I wish someone in the US would also manufacture a reproduction of the Sturmgewehr 44 (StG44) in something practical like Russian 7.62 X 39. I’d buy one and they’d probably sell well.

  • Jersey Guy October 21, 2014, 10:00 am

    That’s great that there is a re – production for the very collectible M-1 Carbine . Not so great for us in New ( gun control ) Jersey . The M-1 carbine is just one of the BANNED GUNS in New Jersey. So I don’ t think we can own here legally .

  • joel October 20, 2014, 2:46 pm

    I collect and shoot old military weapons. I am happy to see them recreated to increase the supply that others may shoot them. I will caution those who want them to keep eyes open and look around. I bide my time and often find good buys on original, GI weapons. I just picked up a Winchester carbine, all correct parts for 700.00 dollars. This gun will hold its value, probably increase in value and cheaper than a reproduction. Takes a bit of time. I went to a going out of business sale at a 5 and dime that handled guns and picked up a GI carbine shooter for $ 110.00 dollars. Does not happen every day but keep your eyes out. I think these reproductions are a fair value and would be fun to shoot and not worry about degrading value of a GI collector. Perhaps have one to shoot while looking for something to collect. To me the originals are both historical and a store of value as all of mine have done better than stock market and other investments. j PS Good shooting and collecting.

  • Patriot-Research October 20, 2014, 2:28 pm

    When these Rifle goes into production and I see some stats on the New M1 Carbine and if the stats hold up I will buy one. The rifle likes great. I love working history, and this rifle was one of our WWII hero’s main tools to defeat the Nazi’s and Japan.

  • Louis October 20, 2014, 12:42 pm
  • brian October 20, 2014, 11:26 am

    I didn’t see any mention of when this is expected to be available

  • Jim October 20, 2014, 10:53 am

    It is an absolute fact that the new Inland carbine is NOT being made by Chiappa. First the new Inland carbine is all American made, even every part. That is not the case with Chiappas (an Italian firm). I have personally checked on this. I sure do wonder how people can just toss out stuff like they think something –no matter what it is is done or made by someone else without anything in any fact saying or even implying it is so. Then the blog and rumor mill feed off that false and incorrect information. bottom line is the Inland carbine now being produced by Inland and marketed by MKS supply (a marketing firm only) is every bit as all America made as was the original combat carbine.

    • Fred October 20, 2014, 11:27 am

      “That is not the case with Chiappas (an Italian firm). I have personally checked on this. I sure do wonder how people can just toss out stuff like they think something –no matter what it is is done or made by someone else without anything in any fact saying or even implying it is so.”

      The author of the article links MKS Supply.

      “More info will be available soon from MKS Supply.”

      MKS Supply shows Chiappa on their website so there’s an assumption. This is probably an incorrect assumption but one made no less.

    • Mark N. November 1, 2014, 2:13 am

      Maybe you should do more research. Chiappa has a production facility in Dayton Ohio. Go to their website and check for yourself. In fact, it is at that facility that Chiappa manufactures its M1-22, a rifle it advertises as having a stock that is interchangeable with the original. Then look at the picture of the Chiappa facility, and compare it to the picture of the Inland facility that appears on Inland’s website. AMAZING! It is the same building, but the sign out front has changed (and has been taken more recently since the trees have grown).

      • Jeff November 3, 2014, 3:31 pm

        True about the same building in the photos. On Google street view I can’t find that building at the listed address of 8611-A North Dixie Drive, Dayton, Ohio 45414. Not sure what to make of this.

  • SteveInMN October 20, 2014, 9:32 am

    Priced near the $1,200 James River “Rock Ola” repro — but from folks associated with High Point/Chiappa? Some pause, there.
    The James River seems like a safer bet. But if the “Inland”cycles reliably and is 100% GI part interchangeable, could be a go. We’ll see.

  • D Hicks October 20, 2014, 8:54 am

    Jumped the gun on the introduction of this ,I think.

    • DWillie December 22, 2014, 12:20 pm

      I have an Inland M-1 Rifle inherited as a family heirloom I’m interested in selling. What is a reasonable price for me to expect. It is in good condition. Thanks for your feedback.

      • Jeff Smith January 4, 2015, 7:04 am

        I would look at the Civilian Marksmanship Program website, and see if there is a contact link for someone you can get a hold of for an appraisal of the rifle. If yours is truly a WWII era and depending on the condition, you could be looking at a very expensive rifle. Things they will look for is era-correct parts and manufacturer of the parts.
        I have been looking for just a normal $1000 m1 rifle for shooting myself, not a collector’s item, yours would be well above this quality

        good luck to you–

  • Mark N. October 20, 2014, 12:27 am

    I’m guessing this is built by Chiappa in the Ohio plant, and their reputation is spotty. Also the price is about $300 higher than the Auto Ordinance/Kahr (which has a pretty bad reputation specific to the mag well and mag) (but not as bad as the Universal). Sounds like the company put a bunch of work into making it look authentic–the question is whether it will be as reliable as the original or the Fulton Armory $1500 reproduction.

    • Harold October 20, 2014, 9:37 am

      I have an M1 made by Kahr (Thompson) and it works perfectly. No problem handling 30 round magazines. All my mags appear to be WWII surplus. It even shoots cheap(er) steel cased ammo with no problem.

    • Jim S. October 20, 2014, 12:30 pm

      I have a Universal and have no problem with using 30 round mags in mine.

      • Gary Vernon November 4, 2017, 4:17 pm

        Hi Jim S.,
        I also have a 30 caliber carbine made by Universal that I bought at Big 5 Sporting Goods over 40 yrs ago.
        Back then I could put 7 out of 10 rounds in the black at 50 yds and was very happy with the rifle.
        I recently (2017) was able to find an ammo site selling ammo at a more reasonable price and to it to a range. Seemed to me I had a ten round magazine when purchased but discovered the one in my ammo box is only 4 rds. Since Universal was bought / sold and then went out of business where I can purchase some 10 rd magazines. Awhile back I purchased ten M1 carbine mags when thy popped up on Cheaper Than Dirt to find the double stack mags will no fire in my Universal. Closer observation revealed the mag that came with the Universal is a single stack. Any ideas?

    • william novak October 20, 2014, 12:35 pm

      It’s USA made. You didn’t check the MKS link you were just “guessing”.

      • Mark N. November 1, 2014, 2:18 am

        Chiappa makes guns with US sourced parts in Dayton Ohio, including its M1-22. And gee whiz, it makes them in the same building as Inland!

        • bob June 26, 2015, 11:36 am

          I’m sure it’s just a coincidence !

    • draco October 28, 2014, 9:05 am

      Mark N Be advised there is no letter “I” in ordnance. You don’ t know that basic point yet you want us to believe your so-called expert opinion on Chiappas reliability.

      • Mark N. November 1, 2014, 2:29 am

        An ad hominem attack over a spelling error? Get real. Moreover, I did not say I had an expert opinion on the Kahr or the Universal, I said that they have bad reputations for reliability–which I gathered from researching the rifles on the internet, which included two professional reviews of the Kahr. Both reviewers had issues with the fit of the Kahr mags (loose) that would not lock in, that would fall out unexpectedly, and that would cause misfeeds.. The reports of issues with the Universal are the same or worse. And neither got consistent high marks for customer service. Don’t believe my summary? Try your luck with Google, same as I did.