This is a factory sales rep's show gun. It shows very little wear has a small scrape on the trigger guard. Has less than 40 rounds through it.
We know the high country demands high standards, that’s why we’ve built the all-new, amazingly light Model 700™ Alaskan Ti. Weighing only 6 1/4 pounds long action and 6 pounds short action – it’s the ultimate rifle for high-altitude spot-and-stalk hunting.
The key to its lightweight feel starts with a titanium receiver that’s impervious to weather (drilled and tapped for mounts) incredibly strong, and half the weight of steel. Complementing the super-light receiver is a bolt featuring spiral-cut flutes and a 24" magnum contour barrel with light-varmint-style fluting. The action is pillar bedded for outstanding shot-to-shot consistency. Its premium Bell & Carlson stock features their MaxxGuard finish for enhanced durability.